9 Reasons To Join A Support Group For Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN)
This blog covers:
The connection between CEN & difficult parent-adult child relationships
Types of relationships needed for healing
9 Reasons to join a support group
The connection between Childhood Emotional Neglect & difficult parent-adult child relationships
I vividly recall my mom’s uncanny ability to angrily yell one minute, and then answer the phone with a super saccharine, “Hello? “Oh, hi - we’re doing well!” the very next second.
To my teenage brain, it was bewildering, confusing, and beyond irritating because it couldn’t have been further from the truth!
BUT…her behavior was on par with the whole “don’t air your dirty laundry” mentality, which was very much alive and well back then.
And unfortunately it’s still the case today!
Experiencing emotional neglect in childhood often leads to a difficult relationship with a parent as an adult, and - TBH - we just don’t talk enough about this in our society. It’s still taboo to talk about family issues, let alone choose to go low or no-contact with a parent!
Just look at all the common responses to those choosing to distance themselves from their parents:
“But they’re your parents!”
“It’s in the past; let it go!”
“You only have 1 mom/dad; you should be grateful they want to be in your life!”
“They did the best they could! Just forgive and move on!”
“They had it way worse than you did growing up!”
“They’re not getting any younger! You need to reconcile!”
“What about your kids; you’re depriving them of a relationship with their grandparents!”
“How could you do that to your parents after all they’ve done for you?!?”
Not to mention the nonverbal responses:
The look of judgment (we all know that look!)
Silent treatment.
Excluding you from family events without any discussion
Turning other family members against you
Talk about unhelpful…and incredibly painful.
Unfortunately the path toward healing from Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN) is often a lonely path. Like I always say,
Sometimes the further along in our healing we become, the further away from our family we become.
But because CEN is a relational wound, healing comes through relationships. But not just any relationships!
To heal from an attachment wound caused by CEN, we need relationships with people who:
Are able to self-reflect and continually learn
Show genuine interest in who you are (versus what you do)
Are able to create safe emotional space for you to be more yourself (be vulnerable), not less
Are able to take accountability and make repair attempts
Are able to hold differing perspectives as true and valid
Are aware of and able to help meet your emotional needs, no strings attached
Are invested in their own growth and healing
One of the BEST places to find people who meet this criteria is in the Online CEN Support Group.
9 Top Reasons to Join A Support Group If You Have A Difficult Relationship With Your Parent:
Feel less alone
Feel seen, heard, and understood without having to explain or convince others to ‘get it’
Practice showing up more as yourself through sharing your thoughts/feelings in a safe, welcoming space
Experience what it’s like to give and receive “no strings attached” support
Practice relating to others in healthier ways and have more corrective emotional experiences*
Gain new perspectives and insights from others that help increase self-compassion and understanding of yourself/your own experience
Experience what it’s like to belong and feel accepted because you’re you, not because of what you do/a role you play
Feel encouraged and stay accountable to your unique healing journey
Practice and gain confidence using new skills in a judgment-free zone
Are you ready to finally get the support + skills you need (but didn’t get growing up) to handle your difficult relationship with your parents and move forward in life with more confidence?
Then the 8-week Virtual CEN Support Group is for you!
Here are all the details:
When does the Support Group start: Tuesday, June 11, 2024
What time is the group: 12-1pm CST
How are sessions held: All sessions are held via secure Zoom link
How often does the group meet: 8 consecutive weeks: June: 11, 18, 25 July: 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
What is the cost: $50/session
Payment method: Credit/debit card
Is there a discount? YES! All email list subscribers + those who pay in full get $40 off the total cost of the group
Who’s the facilitator: Yours truly, Katie Egge, LMFT
How do I sign up: Book a Free 15-minute consultation with Katie to learn more and sign up!
Other commonly asked questions:
What happens when I decide to join: You’ll receive 2 online forms to e-sign and then you’re all set!
What if I have to miss a session: That’s 100% OK! While I encourage group members to attend all sessions, I know that this is not always possible. I ask that you email me beforehand to let me know if you need to miss a session. Sessions may be recorded and shared with only the current group members if everyone in the current group consents to having sessions recorded.
Do I have to talk in the group if I don’t want to: Nope! This is a pressure-free zone. However, sharing can help increase your connection with other group members and help maximize the support and benefits of the group. I encourage members to go at their own pace. You can still be an active, supportive member with your presence and attention.
Will I need to be on camera during sessions: Yes, it is ideal for all group members to be on camera for each group session. Being able to put names to faces, and observe facial expressions and some body language greatly decreases misunderstandings, and contributes to the feeling of connectedness and safety among group members.
Growing up with Childhood Emotional Neglect AND trying to heal from it can both be incredibly lonely experiences. Sometimes knowing that you’re not alone in this painful experience can be the missing ingredient in your healing process. You don’t have to go through this alone. In fact, we weren’t meant to. Feel free to reach out by emailing me at katie@connecttherapymn and we can just chat about how working together can assist your healing.
Hi! I’m so glad you’re here!
I’m Katie Egge, a Minnesota-based therapist and coach who’s passionate about providing the support, resources, and tools that people need to heal from and prevent Childhood Emotional Neglect.
Book a free consult to start moving forward in your life with more confidence and authenticity starting today!