And I’m here to help you get to know the real you

Hey there, I’m Katie

Katie Egge, therapist who treats childhood emotional neglect, wearing a green shirt and sitting on a bench with a cup of coffee in hand

You know, the “you” that you had to (subconsciously) make small in order to get through childhood.

The “you” who does actually know what they want and need in life, but hasn’t yet broken free of the limiting belief that they are “not good enough” or “too broken” to have fulfilling relationships and a life they love.

The “you” who is worthy and lovable just as they are.

THAT’s who I want to help you re-discover so that you can get your voice, your confidence, and your life back.

Sound like what you’re looking for?

The unique process I use to help you overcome childhood emotional neglect and trauma

After treating childhood emotional neglect & trauma for over 10 years, and receiving specialized training from Dr. Lindsay Gibson - the pioneer in the treatment of adult children of emotionally immature parents - I’ve developed my own 5-component framework for helping people heal from this attachment wound:

  1. Accepting the fact that you were emotionally neglected

  2. Learning what healthy childhood development consists of to help you better identify what was missing from your childhood and understand why you do the things you do

  3. Identifying your unmet emotional needs and learning how to get them met now as an adult (aka reparenting yourself)

  4. Understanding and working with your learned coping strategies so that they no longer control your life

  5. Reconnecting with yourself through reconnecting with your emotions

What makes me different from other therapists:

  • Direct & goal-oriented. While venting is necessary sometimes, you’re not paying me to listen to you spin yourself into a thought tornado for an hour. I know you want more feedback, direction and “how to’s” to actually reach your goals, and that’s exactly what I provide.

  • Educational. Be prepared to learn about things you never learned in school but should have! I’m talking things like emotions, coping mechanisms, child development, boundaries, communication - you know, the things that would actually help you understand yourself and navigate your life with more confidence and skill.

  • Concrete and practical. FYI - I always assign homework / action steps to work on in between your sessions to help you integrate information and solidify new skills. I often create and send out handouts to aid in this process, as well. Real change requires repetition of skills + time! This is the only way to rewire your brain so you can maintain the changes you’re making (and not have to be in therapy forever!)

Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN) limits your ability to know and trust yourself and others

I know…because I’ve lived it.

Here’s my story:

In 4th grade, a classmate of mine blocked my path as I was walking out of math class, and with a cocky look on his face told me, ”You’re ugly.”

Although sad, this isn’t the saddest part of the story.

The saddest part was my response, which was to simply look down at my tie dye slip-on shoes and quietly mutter, “I know.”

The second saddest part of this story?

I never told my parents about this incident; I kept it to myself and dealt with it alone.

See, at the age of 9, I had already learned that:

  • My voice didn’t matter

  • My feelings and opinions weren’t important

  • Speaking up and sharing with my parents often made things worse, not better


Because there were countless times leading up to this 4th grade incident where I’d gone to my mom for support…only to be disappointed - and all alone - when she couldn’t provide it for me. It wasn’t intentional on my mom’s part, though; her parenting was a reflection of a time and society that was largely uninformed about things like emotions, attunement, and child development.

In other words, Childhood Emotional Neglect was (and still is) a common experience for many children, despite their parent’s best intentions.


IMPACT trumps INTENT, and the negative impact of Childhood Emotional Neglect can last a lifetime…if left untreated.

Which is why I’m so determined to provide those who’ve experienced Childhood Emotional Neglect with the support and practical tools they need to both heal from AND prevent it!

Curious how working together can help you? Click the link below to schedule a time to meet with me.

What to know about working with me:

  • Childhood Emotional Neglect

    Emotional Immaturity




    • Adults

    • Couples

    • Parents

    • Parent - Adult Child Relationships

    • Individual Therapy & Coaching

    • Couples/Family Therapy & Coaching

    • Parent Coaching

    • Online Support Groups

    • Online Workshops (coming soon)

    • 55 min intake session: $175

    • 55 minute individual therapy/coaching session: 150

    • 55 minute family therapy/coaching session: $160

    • Virtual therapy appointments available for adults in Minnesota

    • Virtual coaching appointments available for adults worldwide

  • Connection







Want the latest info + tips to reconnect with yourself and your life with more confidence?

When I’m not in my home office/guest bedroom, you’ll find me playing with my kids, dancing, and staying up way too late while also trying to break some generational patterns in my own family. Cheers!

“Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN) is both treatable AND preventable.”

Katie Egge, Asian therapist who specializes in treating childhood emotional neglect, wearing a gray sweater and sitting outside at a patio

- Katie Egge, LMFT & Coach