Individual, Couple & Family Therapy for Childhood Emotional Neglect
Get practical tools to improve your relationships - including the one with yourself - starting today
Relationships are critical to our overall health and happiness, yet we often don’t learn the skills to navigate them effectively. Many of us also grow up without healthy relationships to model for ourselves, and we often repeat what we know, despite our best intentions.
All of this can make it incredibly challenging to create and sustain healthy relationships in adulthood.
Individual, couples, or family therapy with me can help you gain the confidence and tools necessary to create healthy connections and increase overall satisfaction in all your relationships.
It is an opportunity for everyone to be heard, heal, and learn to navigate relationships with confidence and skill.
Individual Therapy
Does this resonate with you:
I often don’t know how I feel, or why
My emotions just seem to get in the way of my happiness/relationships
I constantly second-guess and question myself, or struggle with imposter syndrome
I feel like a burden to others
I struggle with identifying and asking for what I like/need
How therapy can help:
If you struggle with your emotions, then it only makes sense that you can relate to one or more of these scenarios. Our emotions give us vital information about who we are, which then enables us to make decisions and navigate our lives in ways that are congruent with who we are.
But if we have learned to disconnect from our emotions, we miss out on that feedback, and this has a cascading negative effect on all other areas of our life. Individual therapy can provide you with both understanding and skills to know and accept who you are, and feel free to be yourself in all areas of your life no matter who is around you!
Couples Therapy
Do these scenarios apply to you?
I have a hard time communicating, and this often leads to tension, disconnect, and/or conflict
Sometimes it seems like I can’t say/do anything right in my relationship no matter how hard I try
I often have no idea what I want/need from my partner
I feel like I have one-sided relationships
My partner and I have the same fight over and over with no resolution in sight
It feels like we are just roommates
How therapy can help:
I think we can all agree on one thing: relationships are hard! And they’re twice as difficult when we struggle with managing our emotions. Couples therapy with me can help you and your partner gain the confidence and skills necessary to increase connection and overall satisfaction in your relationships. It is an opportunity for both partners to be heard, grow, heal, and learn how to navigate relationships using emotional intelligence.
Starting at anytime during the relationship life cycle is highly beneficial, especially prior to marriage (premarital counseling) as it provides space to assess for current and potential barriers that could strain your relationship before unhealthy patterns take root. It can also help you identify what is working well and keep it that way, or help clarify the decision to uncouple and create a plan to ease the transition.
Parent - Adult Child Therapy
Do any of these resonate?
I feel like I’ll never be good enough for my parent/s
I feel like I can’t “be myself” or I’m often on edge/irritable when around my family
I feel like my parent doesn’t know me very well, or even care to learn
I struggle with setting boundaries/saying no with parents/in-laws
I struggle with differing opinions/beliefs re: politics, parenting, family time, etc
I have a hard time communicating with my parents
Unfortunately, our struggles with emotions often originate from our families. Most of this is unintentional, but impact trumps intent, and so the impact of how we were raised is still felt despite our parents’ best intentions.
How therapy can help:
It’s important to know that these struggles can exist even within families where there is no identifiable trauma. Sometimes what DIDN’T HAPPEN growing up impacts us more than what DID happen.
Family systems can be tough to change, especially if you’re the only one who sees the need for change. This can make it exceptionally difficult to reconcile; how do you continually engage with your family-of-origin in ways that are congruent with your values and beliefs (or how you want to raise your own children) without damaging the relationship? How do you set boundaries when boundaries are nonexistent?
Therapy with me can help you sort through all the confusion and mixed emotions, and learn how to navigate your family-of-origin relationships without sacrificing your sense of self.